Discovery Program Options
Water Wonders

Discover watersheds, the water cycle, estuaries, wetlands, and the beach with a mummichog mascot as your guide. Backpack contains estuary mystery bag, trivia cards, earth ball, binoculars and magnifiers, six field guides, Identiflyer with sound cards, and more.
Habitat Hike

Visit forest, field, and estuary habitats with a porcupine mascot, while exploring animal homes, life cycles, camouflage, and even scat! Backpack contains "green" lunchbox, binoculars and magnifiers, three puppets, four field guides, Identiflyer with sound cards, and more.
Time Travels

Complete a treasure hunt with a wild turkey mascot, learn about life on the farm, explore hunting and gathering, and investigate resources from the estuary. Backpack contains treasure map, animals bag, stone wall building kit, hour glass, binoculars and magnifier, gobbler call, measuring tape, and more.